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St Augustine's Church with Holy Trinity
We normally meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm unless otherwise stated.
The theme for 2023 is Transformation Now!
Tuesday 10th January Breakfast at the Moat House - 9:30am.
Tuesday 14th February A.G.M followed by coffee.
Tuesday 14th March Lent Corporate Communion - 10:00am followed by coffee.
Tuesday 11th April Kim Wilkinson - Inspiring the younger generation.
Tuesday 9th May Coronation reminiscences and celebrations.
Tuesday 13th June Visit and tour of Toddington Church.
Tuesday 11th July Afternoon tea at Aley Green Methodist Church.
Wednesday 9th August Mary Sumner Day Celebration (T.B.A.)
Tuesday 12th September Chris Powell - A talk on Women's Refuges.
Tuesday 10th October Crime prevention.
Tuesday 14th November Christmas creative crafts
Tuesday 12th December Advent Corporate Communion - 10:00am followed by coffee.
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