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Holy Communion on the Moon - 19/02/2023


The Readers Letter

As I sit and write my letter to you, I reflect on Rev’d Pete’s sermon on Sunday and that we all learn something new that surprises us and how we spread that new information. Did you go home and repeat that the first food on the moon was Holy Communion? I did and I cannot wait to return to school after the half term to chat to the Science and RE teachers. As we approach Lent, I am reminded, that when I started to train as a reader one of the questions was “What are you going to give up?” Time - making time to study and attend training, I did sometimes miss family events, but spent most evenings reading and completing written assignments. When I was a child of course it was food, mainly sweets etc. I once gave up sugar in tea and still leave it out. How many of us were able to keep to our Lent promise? How many of us, that made New Year’s resolutions kept them? Now I reflect on what I am going to give up for lent, chocolate – no, cake – maybe, sweets – maybe, but chocolate is a part of this, so perhaps no, again foody thoughts and perhaps easy options. I think for me this year it is time, I started in 2023 knowing that time would be a challenge, things have been a bit hectic recently. So, for Lent I am promising to give more time for God and for family and friends. The following gospel reading is a great reminder of what Jesus was teaching: ‘30you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.’ Mark 12. 30-31 So, I ask you this question “What are you going to give up?

Janna Bond

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