The Curate's Letter
During the ongoing adventures of arranging an internet connection for the Church Premises, I have been informed that our Church of St Augustine (and up until recently also Holy Trinity) is classed as a ‘’Non-Served Premises” location. This means a premises which is not for normal business or dwelling purposes and would not normally be “manned”. It therefore cannot have a postal address. Whilst drafting my response to have this classification overturned, I considered making a cheeky comment to Royal Mail about how our church is God’s dwelling place. Therefore (depending on your eucharistic theology) our aumbry light somewhat contradicts the church being a building that is not normally “manned’! As we approach Lent, which starts in a few weeks’ time, we can reflect on God’s loving presence being with us wherever we go. Also, that God’s loving presence does not only reside at the newly registered address of either Holy Trinity or St Augustine’s churches.
Rev’d Pete Farquhar