Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We often put people to the test without realising that we have done so. Rev’d Grant’s sermon on Sunday reminded us that Jesus did not deflect questions or change the subject; he gave answers to questions posed to him. Sometimes his answers are not the ones we like, and may make us reflect on our own behaviour. Rev’d Grant reminded us that Jesus did not separate cultures and treated everyone equally. Watching the news these past few weeks has raised a lot of questions: - why do people do dreadful things?
- why do we not learn from our mistakes in the past?
- what has this to do with us? (We don’t live in that country!)
- what can I do to help?
- do I treat everyone equally?
When we see images of war, we sometimes cannot stop ourselves from taking sides, depending on faith and culture. But we cannot help but feel saddened by the images in the media. I remember the words from Sunday: “all humans are made in God’s image;” and “life is God’s gift to us, and we are called to live our lives for his purpose.”
Questions we can ask ourselves:
- How much of our heart belongs to God?
- Do we treat everyone equally?
Janna Bond
