Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Ash Wednesday is a special day that serves a number of purposes as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season. It is a day that prepares us for a period of penitence and fasting. This period of self-examination brings us to a place of confession and profession of our devotion to God. Ash Wednesday is therefore a solemn day that signifies humility, mortality, and the acknowledgment of our human frailty. We remember this by a sign of a cross with ashes marked on our forehead with words “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” We are marked with ashes to symbolise both death and repentance. The practice represents our grief and mourning for our sins. So, as Ash Wednesday brings us to a point of reconciliation with God through Christ, St. Paul writes “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2Corinthians 5:21) We are all welcome to the Ash Wednesday Eucharist Services at St. Augustine’s church on Wednesday 14th February at 10.00am and at 7:30pm.
May we receive from the God of all mercies perfect remission and forgiveness of our sins through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo
