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The Vicar's Letter - 18/02/2024


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We marked the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday with the assurance of forgiveness proclaimed in the gospel. This was therefore the renewal of our lives. It is also important to note that the observation of Lent, at the beginning of the spring season, symbolically introduces us to new life. We can evidently see new life around us as days begin to get longer - animals coming out of hibernation, and trees and flowers beginning to blossom. So, the season we are entering is important in many aspects of our lives. We are moving away from a gloomy winter season to a warmer and brighter season. Let us reflect on what is happening around us and prepare spiritually for the celebration of Easter. Lent is a time that you can set aside to intentionally engage in fasting and self-denial as a way of drawing closer to God. So, on this Lenten journey, we are invited to pause and attend to our spiritual needs. We can do so through the study of scripture, praying, fasting, and turning our eyes towards the needs of others. May this season bring us understanding, healing and forgiveness.

Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo

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