Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is important that we coordinate a positive working relationship among different teams, groups, and committees in the parish. This will ensure that different ministries and church life are effectively attended to. Frances Higgins is putting together a diary of events which will be accessible to all. Please, share any dates with her. The aim of this partnership is to ensure that the church continues to flourish and everyone thrives in it. This is therefore calling us to share information, resources and learn from each other. We are encouraged to work together because we are joined together through Christ. Christ reminds us of this connection in John 15:5 when he said “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing” If we choose to hold on to Him who is our true vine, we will not wither away. Lord Jesus, we thank you for reminding us that in you we can accomplish together what we could not do alone. Give us wisdom to see in others the talents you have given them. Amen.
Rev’d Jairo Nyaongo
