Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Everyday events can bring varied challenges to our supposedly peaceful lives. We hear of rumours and threats of wars; we worry about the introduction of artificial intelligence; the burden of the ever-increasing cost of living; the spread of new viruses; maintaining demanding relationships and so on. These troubles can contribute to our anxieties and unhappiness. However, Jesus promises us that even in the midst of all these troubles we can still have peaceful lives if we trust in God and in Himself.
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting: We continue to prepare for the APCM, which will be held on 21st May after the 10.00am Joint Eucharist Service. Please do speak with me about any matters that you would like considered in the coming year. There are various areas of parish life that call for volunteers to ensure that they remain active. If you would like to help in any way, or to join the PCC, or stand for a particular area of ministry, please do let me know. We have nomination forms for PCC representations at the back of the church. May we continue to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life, as he is the only way that leads to eternal life.
Jairo Nyaongo